March 7, 2025
We have sure run the weather gauntlet this week, from cold and sunny, to grey and rainy, and now back to cold and sunny. The snow on the ground has settled a lot, and snow on the steeper roofs has all whooshed off. As the temperature warmed, the snow started to creep, glacier-like, off of the metal roof on the Battery House, slowly curling around until it's suspended weight was too much, and it broke off and dropped.
The driveway is now an ice rink, refreezing after the mild weather and rain. Hubby spread clean wood shavings on the places we walk, while it was mild, and this morning they are frozen in, making access to the buildings safer. It was snowing and blowing last night, so all the ice elsewhere is covered with a layer of snow now, a very slippery situation.Last weekend was absolutely beautiful for snowshoeing, as we'd had a warmish day or two, the snow settled, then refroze with a skiff of new snow on top. No need to wade, the surface was firm, and one could walk anywhere on the soft, slightly snow covered surface. Off I went across the un-tracked expanse, to check out a neighbour's property.
These are some amazing, big, gnarly old oak trees on their hill,
framing lovely, far-reaching views. Back on the home front, the fox pair has been showing up on camera. Here, early morning, and one of them is passing the camera mounted on a solar panel pole, checking the spot where we often leave out treats for them.
This one is making tracks in the fresh snow at another camera.
We had a Snow Bunting show up under the bird feeders this week, all alone, but a sign that the season is advancing.
On Wednesday, Hubby tapped a few maple trees.
The rising sun is so much further north along our horizon, than it was the last time we had a clear, sunny dawn. The sunlight shining across the fresh skim of snow from last night is making a zillion sparkling prisms, as if someone has thrown crystals across the surface.
This morning, we can walk on the packed and frozen snowshoe trails, without snowshoes but,
or you will be up to your knee in crusty snow...