Spring has come early this year. The snow has melted at an alarming rate it seems, but there is still some in shaded areas and on north-facing slopes.
After a run of beautiful, warm, sunny days, this morning has dawned a bit overcast, but bright, and there is rain in the forecast. The temperatures have not dropped below freezing at night for a few days, and the maple sap run has dribbled to a stop. Hopefully there are more crisp nights in the near future, otherwise this year's maple syrup season will not be very successful.
The robins have gone from 'quit-quit-quit-quit' ing, to 'Cheeri-up cheer-i-o' ing this morning, and are chasing each other around. Overnight there have been many deer 'waltzing' up the hill, dispersing from the winter yard, their tracks poked sharply in the soft surface of the road.
In 2018, the year that winter came back, the deer were up here on April 3 and the yard now, looks pretty much as it did then, but this year, only the snow in the immediate foreground remains.
April 3, 2018 Deer grazing |
On April 17, 2018, this is what we awoke to.
The deer vamoosed and we were packing snowshoe trails again!
April 18, 2018 |
So, we are not holding our breath. Spring is here, but it may be a while until we can count on consistent temperatures and no more snow!