I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.
John Burroughs

Monday, December 14, 2020

Weather, seeds, planting and critters.....

Technically, it isn't winter yet, not until the solstice on December 21, but cold and snow have been advancing, retreating, then advancing again. We've had a long period of miserable, sleety, icy, rainy weather, sparsely interspersed with lovely snowfalls of big, fluffy flakes.

The crisp, sunny days have been few and far between, and each one is relished.

The temperature, hovering around the freezing mark and just below, makes the footing rather dicey if one wants to walk on any of the ploughed surfaces, and the snow is not deep enough yet for snowshoes. Thankfully, our township keeps the road in good shape and well sanded, so we can get up and down the hill, in a vehicle, or on foot, easily. A daily walk down the hill and back up provides a good cardio workout!

Today, the temperature is holding about -4C, and it is supposed to drop down into double digits tonight, so hopefully, we are heading into some nice winter weather.

The seed catalogues have been showing up in the mail. Is it just me, or are they coming earlier and earlier every year?

I retrieved my seed jar from the cool, dark recess of the cupboard under the stairs, and did an inventory so I'll be ready to order any I need to fill in my garden plans.

 My ginger plant is about 6 inches high, with two leaves out, and another shoot is rising from the rhizome. I just planted a pot of oats for a friend's cat, and they should be just about right for nibbling at Christmas.

Slowly, I've been filling the cookie tins with Christmas baking, and planning a menu of meals and treats for over the Christmas holiday days. We will be interacting with folks in our 'bubble', and our son will be able to come for a few days, as he is able to work from home the few weeks left until Christmas. We are blessed to be living in an area of very low Covid cases, and the cases that do exist are quite a distance away from us. There have been none in the small villages and towns closer to home. 

The deer haven't 'yarded up' yet, as the snow is not deep enough to get them on the move. They are still visiting the mineral block in front of the trail camera. 

A Fisher is checking out the area as well.


  1. It looks SO freezing cold there, this Florida girl just can't even imagine! I'm so glad to hear you are in a safe area and so glad your son will be able to come home too. Not many are that lucky this year. Enjoy your Christmas baking! :)

    1. Thank you Martha. I realize how fortunate we are. It was cold this AM, -19C. One just has to dress for the weather..it is beautiful out!

  2. You have a lot more snow than us. I love your trail cam pictures. -Jenn

    1. Hopefully we will get more snow soon. It always feels warmer when there is a good blanket of snow.

  3. Never mind the calendar, that's winter! lol

    My seed catalogues have been arriving too, and I agree, it does seem early. But for a gardener, it's never too early to pour over them and dream!

    1. Yes, Leigh! Dream, and start an order! It is warmer this AM, only -12C and SUNNY! So beautiful out.

  4. How lovely to be in a low China Covid Pandemic area! Not so here. And so, no gathering.

    But I'm not really complaining. What good does being miserable about something, do? -smile-

    Have a lovely week before Christmas.

    Greetings from the "North Pole"!
    P.S. That's because we got about 2' of snow. ,-)

    1. Greetings right back at you, and thank you for dropping by. Did you bring some of that snow with you?!!!
