I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.
John Burroughs

Monday, April 4, 2022

Happiness is.......green things.....

April 4. This snow/rain/sleet/mud...."whatever".... season is a good time to do some crafting. It's the "in between" section of the year when it isn't feasible to do much outdoors, other than just enjoy the warm sunny days that come along, interspersing the nasty ones. It is too hard to stay indoors on the good days!! Who knows what spring wonders are appearing out there...newly arriving migrants, wandering strutting turkeys, perhaps a sprig of green somewhere....?

On those other days, when Mother Nature is messing with our minds with more snow and wind, I've been doing a little crafting. I sewed a little bag to hold my sock knitting, two pair on the go right now.

This is the pattern and wool I ordered for the papillon shawl, next winter's project, and another colourful zippered bag I sewed just for it.

I've been eyeing the shawl kit for a while, and it was on sale, so gave in. The skeins are hand dyed, superwash merino.

Here is the beginning of this year's pepper patch. Some California Wonder, Red Carmen and a couple of Jalapenos.

My Meyer lemon 'grove' is growing, really starting to respond to the higher light levels and the little feeding of half strength fish emulsion fertilizer I gave them. Looking forward to getting them into bigger pots and installed outside on the picnic table once summer arrives.

The basil in the kitchen window that has limped along all winter has really started to show it's mettle.

This is a shamrock I forgot to bring out into warmth and heat in time for St. Patrick's day, but it is forging ahead now.

Saturday was Seed Exchange day, and it was good to talk to some like minded gardening folk, and also pick up some interesting seeds. Now I have to peruse my garden sketches to see where I can fit in a few other things!

Welcome back!


  1. I adore your header photo! Your basil looks wonderful, I need to plant some this year. -Jenn

    1. Thanks Jenn. I snipped the basil from the garden last fall and rooted it. Its nice to have some fresh leaves throughout the winter. The chickadees are less friendly now that spring is here!

  2. My lemon trees are really responding to the growing sunshine coming in their south facing window. I think they might need a second pruning before they go outdoors. The basil is lagging a bit, but they are alive. That's one herb the cat doesn't seem to like. The parsley and summer savory were devoured as quickly as they came up.

  3. How old are your lemon trees? Cats are curious critters! Do you grow herbs inside all winter?
