I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.
John Burroughs

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Making 'lemonade'.......

Wednesday May 3, 2023

It has been raining since Saturday.

Spring water levels from snow melt, plus all the rain has put the Ottawa Valley under flood watches and warnings.

We are sodden.

When life gives you lemons.....

So, I went for a paddle..... on the front lawn,

and then on the pond.

My daffs refuse to open until the sun shines again.


  1. Great post! We actually had a sunny (what? how? really?) day today with a light breeze that truly did start to dry up some of our standing water. Hubby and I took a walk around our fence line ending out by the pond. I made the comment that we could/should put the canoe in and paddle around on such a nice day. Wouldn't it have been funny if we had done so and I would have posted a picture just like yours! Happy to say, though, that we do not have as much water in our YARD as you do!

  2. It has been JUST BRUTAL. On Wednesday, there was not a moment when water was not falling from the sky, some in very heavy downpours. This AM we awoke to blue skies!!! but there is still a 40% chance..........There will be no gardening done for a while. Would love to see you paddlin' your canoe, MP!
