I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.
John Burroughs

Saturday, May 4, 2024


May 4, 2024

First harvests......

I was surprised to find the morel. I was taking a picture of an open Red Trillium, and oops...what is that in the background?? I didn't think we'd had consistently warm enough temperatures yet.

First rhubarb pie...what is left of it! Yummm.

Things are greening up, popping up, and opening up. We've had a couple of lovely rains and now the daytime temperatures are creeping up toward the low 20's C (68F) The apple tree buds are expanding just enough to see that there are lots of blossom clumps, the old crab apple tree will be dressed in bridal white this year, and my baby plum trees have quite a few swelling white buds! 

Tomato and pepper seedlings are being hardened off. Yesterday I remembered to check on the dahlia roots that have been residing in a pail of sieved compost over winter. There are lovely shoots starting on the tubers, so they are potted up and outside, and will be brought in nightly. The perennials that were earlier transplanted are all showing signs of life. Lilacs buds are busting out..
Green things are starting to poke up everywhere in the bush, and the blackflies are out. I think of them as bird food...for the myriad species of birds which are now serenading every day. A lot of winter migrants are back, not all, but lots. The Merlin app flashes up bird after bird, especially in the mornings. 

Earlier this week, I actually got a shot of one of the migrating flocks of northern geese which are going over. The wind was at their tails, and they sailed quickly across our expanse of sky.

A couple of Canada Geese, (or maybe different pairs each time) have been persistent in their visits to the green, green grass in the yard. We've had to shoo them protesting loudly on their way, several times.
The Tree Swallows are setting up housekeeping...many trips, beak full of nesting material, into the nest box. Other usurpers keep showing up, and I often hear loud chittering as they chase them away. The first Hummingbird zoomed in yesterday morning. We were expecting him, so had fresh nectar waiting. 

Garden beds are being marked out for future residents, some greens, beets and onion sets are planted. The field garden just needs to dry out a little more, and the spuds can go in.  Spring is definitely here now!


  1. It's lovely to see everything waking up. And firsts (like rhubarb pie!) are the best of seasonal treats. Enjoy your spring! We're busting into summer here with its ongoing battle with weeds!

    1. Yes, fully-fledged spring is here now. Every day is a delight with new stuff popping up, opening up, or flying in...

  2. We drove into Beechnut on Saturday. The growing things sure were good for the spirit. Sad to see the logging getting ready to ramp up though. The red trilliums and trout lilies are everywhere.

    1. I've foraged for mushrooms up Beechnut Rd. in the fall.
      Love to see the bush coming back to life. Are there white trilliums there as well? Love those guys. We only have red in this neck of the woods.

    2. there were whites but they were still immature buds

    3. Found some whites along Red Rock yesterday, but the rain had made them all droopy.

  3. the trillium on your header is different

  4. It is a colour morph of a red.
