I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.
John Burroughs

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

A busy few days tripping around the neighbourhood...

 July 3, 2024

 A little bass fishing earlier in the week...

A fresh fish fry that evening, plus five good fish dinners stashed in the freezer....

We visited...  (https://ww.bonnecherecaves.com/)

and had a great tour through the cavern.

It was good to get back out into the warmth of the day.

The river that created the caves through the limestone, Fourth Chute on the Bonnechere.

Then, not too far away, a visit to ... (https://www.shawwoods.ca/)

The alligator boat, (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alligator_boat) harking back to logging days...good on water or land. 

A bit of trail exploring there,

then on to Hugli's Blueberry Ranch  (https://blueberryranch.ca/) for a refreshing Kawartha Dairy ice cream cone, 


and a visit to the adjacent greenhouses.

Look at the size of those coleus' leaves!!

Here and there along the trails, my kind of plants...

This one is Pointed-leaved Tick Trefoil, a pea family member, and a native.

Viper's bugloss, a non-native, but very pretty, and not invasive.

This is a native...Partridge berry, a trailing, evergreen perennial that forms dark green mats across the forest floor. The flowers are fragrant, and each duo turns into one bright red berry later in the season.

And finally...



  1. What awesome fun you have been having - definitely my kind of adventures! Great photos :)

    1. We are trying to get out and about more, instead of slaving away at home! It helped to have a guest to take.

  2. You've been on tour! My blueberry bushes (purchased from Hugli's ages ago) are loaded with green berries. Unfortunately the birds usually get them before we hardly get more than a taste.

    1. It was a looonnng day! That picture of the blueberry was taken along the trail at Gariepy creek. Birds and critters got my meagre haskap crop this spring. Time to get serious about bird netting!

  3. AC. Apparently each fall, they open the dams and allow the river to re-flood the tunnels. Bats then have a cozy place to hibernate. They told us the numbers are increasing after White-nose disease took its toll on the population. Yeah for bats and their ability to eat mosquitoes!
