I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.
John Burroughs

Sunday, July 14, 2024


July 14, 2024

Early in the week, remnants of Hurricane Beryl came gently north, dropping a good inch and a half of rain over the course of a day or so. Since then, the sun has been out, the humidity has risen, night time temperatures are staying in the high teens (low 60's F), and everything is putting on a growth spurt.

Cucumbers and squash are blooming, and setting fruit, and the first planting of beans is being harvested. 

In the garden, I made a better cover for the brassica patch, cutting lengths out of the hose left over from setting up the garden water pump. They are secured into the bed by pieces of dowel.

The row cover slides nicely over the hoops and keeps out the white cabbage moths.

After the rain, things are popping up in the woods as well. We came across this amazing blue mushroom that I haven't been able to ID yet.

A little further along was this pretty mauve coral fungus.

To round out the colours...this orange one, 
And of course, lots of Ghost pipes.
This morning we went blueberry picking. There were lots and lots of the bluish-black guys,
but the pretty blue ones were bigger.
We picked as long as our backs could take it, and have a nice little haul. There is enough for eating some fresh, and freezing some for a future blueberry pie.


  1. Those Cabbage Whites are such a problem and the main reason why I stopped growing brassicas (when I still had a proper garden!). Your mesh idea is good :)

    1. I used to chase them with a butterfly net, but the knees are no longer up to that!

  2. You know your shrooms, and they look so good and interesting.

    1. Long, long way to go yet!! There are so many, and are so beautiful (mostly). It is a beast to get down to their level for photos though.

  3. I love the idea of using an old hose for the supports, brilliant. Your garden looks very productive, here my veg is struggling.

    1. The pieces of hose are very stiff and sturdy. So far mild wind has not budged them, and it is so heartening to look underneath and see unscathed leaves! We are currently in mid-July heat and humidity, with long daylight hours, so everything is surging.
