I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.
John Burroughs

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Late July, flowers and fruit....

July 28, 2024

Glads starting to open...

Sunshine incarnate....

Monarchs are loving the tall milkweed...
I've found two so far!!!!
Getting rosy cheeks...
Pumpkins, at least 10...time to trim the vines.
Pretty Sweet Mama squash...
Sweet, sweet Rapunzels...
This is turning out to be an amazing summer for growing. Another two and a half inches of rain early in the week, then sun, sun sun. A gardener could hardly have ordered better growing weather! The trick is just to keep up with it all! Beans and broccoli processed, garlic dug and drying on screens, buckwheat planted in the empty space, onions about ready to be pulled, blackberries ready for picking, cucumbers starting to pour in...let the pickling begin!


  1. The garden is bountiful this year. My neighbour compliment me the other day, how much good stuff is growing in such a small space. I still have an empty garlic box, 3x5 feet to plant something. Second round went in the other garlic box. My beans are really late. Just starting to get flowers on some, others barely starting to climb. I've been picking glads to come in the house. I planted three rows of ten, over ten days, so they will bring us joy for a good while.

    1. We have certainly had sufficient rain on a weekly basis this summer. Pulled/dug my garlic on Sat., and the root balls had to be tapped to dislodge the moist earth. The only draw back to the moisture, has been all the earwigs everywhere! Everything sure is thriving!

  2. What a great summer you are having! Always awesome to be able to harvest so many different things :)

    1. It really has been, so far! Everything is thriving. Love watching the squash seem to expand daily.

  3. Your garden is producing well, sadly here it's the opposite, loads of crops have failed.

    1. Marlene, your crops, or crops in general? So sorry to hear that. Mother Nature is capricious.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks, Leigh. Not time for much else this time of year!! Those cucumbers are expanding as we speak!

  5. It's looking great, and I especially pleased to see the monarchs -- in both forms.

    1. Love the Monarchs, AC. Always been besotted with then from childhood. Those worms seem to be able to hide so well. Plan on saving seeds from the big milkweed and getting lots more growing around the pond. I got the root from Veseys, and it grows into a HUGE plant.
