I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.
John Burroughs

Monday, September 23, 2024

Pumpkin Pie and mushrooms....

 September 23, 2024

That would be an odd combination!

Finally, the September drought has broken with a lovely rainy day. The broccoli side shoots were getting ahead of us, so this morning I blanched and froze a good picking, two and a half pounds more are now stashed in the freezer. Seeing as the steamer was hot, in went a quartered pumpkin, and it cooked while I made a batch of pastry. 

Voila! Pumpkin pie!

The new hot frame is doing very well...except for some vermin that was having a random dig in it, so Hubby made an hardware cloth frame to cover it, and today put an handle on it so it can be easily lifted and propped up while accessing the interior. We are enjoying some beautiful crispy greens. 

On the trail cameras, apparently this young buck (see his spikes?) was getting a little too personal with this doe....who put him in his place.

Blue jays are showing up noisily, in their new winter finery, after being scarce all summer...
In the bush, lots of different and interesting fungi are appearing. This one, a 'Bear's head tooth' fungi,
and this one...
the 'late fall, or resinous polypore'. So many interesting shapes, colours and textures.

Asters are giving us a lovely bit of colour in the gardens, but although there are flashes of yellow here and there, fall leaf colours are still to come.

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