I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.
John Burroughs

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Tracks, trails and tracings in the snow....

 February 2, 2025

 What a glorious stretch of winter weather we have been having! Early in the week, on a couple of mornings, we awoke to decent amounts of new snow, so fluffy and light. I took a wander up the road before the plough made it up the hill one morning, and marvelled at the straight blue shadows of the trees delineated on the road and on the south facing snow banks.

One fox, or both had been along the road during the snow fall, the tracks all fluffed in. 

What a marvellous plume of snow the big blower on the tractor throws out!

The capricious winds blow the snow here and there, and when Hubby has finished clearing the lane, I get to sweep down the walking snowman he has become.

Our snowshoe trails are padded up nicely.

Yesterday was a sublime sunny day, and critters had been out and about, leaving their sign on the smooth new canvas, even though it never got much above -13C (8-9F). 

There are still a few deer around,

although they seem a little more leery about coming by the camera sets. We see their tracks in the snow, giving the cameras a wide berth. Perhaps there is the smell of 'human' on the apparatus, and they may be more stressed and extra careful, as there are daily signs of wolves/coyotes travelling through the area. This fellow is a little larger than his companions. Larger prints and longer stride.

Quite a few tracks cross our snowshoe trail, and it appears that a pack of several animals were travelling together. Across the north end of the property, they followed the packed base of the snowshoe trail for a way, detouring slightly to lift a leg and leave their scent on any protrusion of rock or stump sticking up out of the snow. They are travelling through, following the deer down to their winter yards.

Smaller critters have been out and about. This red squirrel had been out accessing it's food stash,
and little tracings on the snow show that a mouse had been here, it's tail mark visible in the fluff. It popped up from the subnivean layer, wandered a bit, then popped back down.
Could have been a dangerous foray, depending on who might have been travelling by at the time!


  1. You observe well and have some nice scenes to shoot.

    1. There is always something interesting to see out in the woods.

  2. You've brought back such wonderful memories. I've got pictures almost exactly like that first one; winter shadows on bright sunny days are wonderful!

    1. And I'm hoping there are lots more winter days to come!

  3. Gurgling water is like a crackling fire.

    1. Enticing one onward, no matter what kind of bush whacking you have to do to find the source.....!
