I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.
John Burroughs

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Digging out..

 Well... another 10 inches or so fell yesterday and over night last night.

Remember this?

 This morning. That snow covered square is the picnic table.

 Looking forward to this...May 1, 2019...

Somewhere under there are my garden beds, this morning. 

The days are measurably longer, and the sun sure is stronger. Every season of the year has its positives, and we enjoy each one as it comes. The snowshoeing is good, as long as you go out early before the temperature rises above freezing when the snow sticks on your snowshoes, making them feel like you are dragging ten pounds more on each foot! There is a noticeable up-tick in animal activity. The Barred Owls are hooting during the day, and odd circling fox tracks in the snow indicate that there is more than hunting on their minds! 

We had a Northern Shrike perusing my bird feeders a while ago, and the Evening Grosbeaks have made an appearance. Slowly but surely, spring is creeping closer.


  1. Wow Rosalea that is a LOT of snow! It sure is beautiful, but I hope you will start to see some signs of spring soon!

    1. March can also be a very snowy month. Now it is snowing heavily again.

  2. With even a day that had some sunshine in it yesterday, it starts you thinking about spring. Those pictures (the ones without the snow) give you hope! I would love to hear the owls! -Jenn

    1. The last 2 days were sublime with strong sunshine. Snowing heavily now. We'll be digging out again! Neighbours are getting their tapping equipment out and packing trails out in their sugar bushes. Spring is certainly on its way.

  3. Gosh we sure did get hammered with this one didn't we! Patricia Holst was saying they got 60cm. at their place at R.L. I measured 18inches on the side deck, but it's a little sheltered from the west so who knows. Three hours with a big tractor to get our lanes cleared! That sun though!

    1. There was a bit of drifting. Think we ended up with about a foot of new stuff. More is coming down Sat. AM. We have about a 100yds of drive, plus a turn-around area in front of the garage and solar panels.
      It took a few hours of blowing and shoveling to clear it!

  4. Wow! You certainly do have a lot of snow! We had a ice storm come through a couple of weeks ago followed by 6 inches of snow, but then three days later the sun came out, and just like that, the snow and ice were gone. This is our rainy season, and that has been our nemesis this week, with one storm producing 4 inches in a couple of hours. It doesn’t bother us, as we live on top of the ridge, but it does make for fun travel, with some down trees, and little bridges sometimes damaged. But, here again, we don’t leave the ridge very often either... lol ! Have a sunny week end !

    1. Snow is 'Poor man's Fertilizer'. It always amazes me how quickly the ground dries out after the snow has melted in the spring.
      We had a day long thaw and some rain, that settled the snow a bit, but now we are back to cold (-13C this AM) and a skiff of new snow, but the day light is longer, the sun is stronger, and soon it will be time to get some seeds started indoors.
