I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.
John Burroughs

Monday, May 24, 2021

Plants, planting....and another moose!

Over the past week, the green and growing things have jumped to life. Most of the trees' leaves are fully out, and the bush is filling in. There are blooming things everywhere, and buds appearing on plants, seemingly overnight.


Lady slipper orchids

We did have a mild frost last night, but I covered the tomatoes and peppers I'd planted earlier in the week. My plants, no longer seedlings, were ready to go in the ground, and I didn't want to waste that week of lovely warm weather we had! Today I mulched the two cherry tomato plants with cardboard and a good 6 inches of chopped leaves. In  previous years, I've only used leaves, but thought I'd try this experiment. We'll be adding cages in a week or so for support.

Their feet are buried deep in several shovelfuls of compost

The rocks and odd pieces of lumber hold the leaves in place until they settle and compact. We have quite sandy soil that looses moisture fairly rapidly, so hope the layers keep things moist, as I will give each plant a good weekly drink of water.

On Sunday morning, a yearling cow moose came wandering out of the bush, right by the house, nibbling here and there and seemed to wander aimlessly. We had some good photo ops, then she made her decision to leave and exited towards the SW.

Hubby taking her picture

Just outside our screened verandah

A little later, on going out to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, there she was, on the NE side, ripping all the leaves off of a pretty young white birch tree we had left when we cleared the brush out around the pond!
She was practically standing in a patch of iris I'd planted by a rock there, reaching out and stripping the leaves off of the branches! I got Hubby to put the run on her before she did any damage.

We were concerned about deer finding our gardens when we moved up here. Now moose are showing up! There is nothing delicate about those feet, and they go wherever they want!


  1. Glad your garden is doing well. So cool to have a moose wandering around, but I'm sure it could sure do some damage to your gardens!

    1. Thanks Martha. Its just getting started, but I am having fun. Love playing in the soil! Hopefully Ms. Moose will continue on her way, elsewhere!

  2. Holy Cracker Barrel. ,! I honestly can’t imagine her tromping around our house! Even though she might be a bother...she’s stunning, none the less! Your garden looks great! I still am thinking about that big girl making her presence! Amazing!

    1. She is just a yearling. We think the cow (her mom) has driven her away in preparation for giving birth to this year's calf, which is what they do. She is just getting her bearings and learning how to be an adult on her own. They just wander and eat, and eat...So hope she continues on her way!

  3. Apparently word is out that your property is a moose-friendly zone! We have those magnificent creatures in our area, but there are folks living here who have never seen one. So to have one right in your yard is a real treat. Now to keep them from doing damage to your landscaping and gardens . . .

    1. Taking a break, as it is looking like rain. Here's hoping! Just snuggled some more seeds in the ground. Landscaping, Mama Pea??? That is a very generous term for what we have around here! She did leave a big foot print in the soft soil beside my new walkway.

  4. My diningroom table is full of plants and the ones in the ground have their upturned buckets over top. The radish and carrots are just coming up so I hope they survive. We haven't seen a moose in the yard in ages. The deer show up after dark.

    1. That frost was heavy and the cold lasted too long. The cover over the tomatoes was just not thick enough, and I've had to re-plant. Its much warmer now and time to get the beans and squash in.
