I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.
John Burroughs

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Young 'uns...

June 15, 2024

It is hard to imagine, that in a few days we are going to be in sweltering heat...so say the weather forecasters. Only 8C this morning (46F), and several mornings over the past week have been just as chilly, or more so. We even had a small fire one morning to take the edge off. Some major storms blew through on Thursday, when we were under a tornado watch for most of the day. In the evening, we got a good dumping of rain in a rather vigorous thunderstorm. That added to the good inch+ of rain that fell on Sunday, topping up the rain total for the week to just under an inch and a half.   

The garden is poking along, some things liking the cooler temperatures, some not so much. Garlic is sending up scapes, the potatoes are doing well, buds forming on the red variety; peas are blooming, and the zucchini is big enough to cage. I may regret that I kept two healthy zuc plants! As they grow, the cage keeps the plants vertical, thereby taking up less space. Once the plant begins blooming and sets fruit, I take out the leaves below the fruit, which allows easier access for picking, and there is less likelihood of one escaping notice and growing into a behemoth.

There has been a small, last year's deer fawn, showing up periodically around the yard, to the detriment of a few garden plants...one of my best broccoli seedlings, some spinach, and she pruned all the new growth off of one of the plum trees. She appears mostly in the evening, and it takes some persuasion to make her leave. We've installed the 'yard guard', a device that sends out high frequency sound waves...it didn't work on raccoons or black squirrels in previous gardens, but we are giving it a go...along with a lot of hardware cloth cloches, and a row cover over the brassica patch. The row cover was going to go on anyway, in an attempt to thwart the cabbage moths. 

We have been expecting to see a new deer fawn or two on the trail cameras, as the does begin to move about with their offspring a few weeks after they are born. The peak birthing time of white-tailed deer around here, is mid-May. Sure enough...

Another young one...a robin with a spotted breast on 'Bird cam.'

Someone small and furry...
Someone big and furry, and her calves...
which she led right across the front yard....
The branch where 'Bird cam' is located, seems to be a good perching spot. There were a lot of pictures of birds whose pictures I've posted before, plus new this week, a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker.
Having a closer look at the camera...

There were also some shots of Chickadees hanging on the roving ball and pulling out tufts of wool.                                        

This afternoon, the sky is clear, the brilliant sunshine glistening on the newly washed greenery all around, but at mid-afternoon, the temperature is stalled out at 16C (60F). Not the best temperature for growing melons, peppers and tomatoes.
The red poppies are in full bloom, as is the peony. 


  1. I am dreading the weather upcoming in the next week. But last night, it was like we went from summer to winter overnight. I started the night with very little on. By morning I was not only wearing more but also had the blanket on and pulled up. It is electric, and I really should have turned that on too.

    1. If it gets as hot as the forecast says it will, especially the humidity, it will not be pleasant. The temperatures have been chilly of late and the change will be hard to take, as we have not had a chance to become acclimated.

  2. We have had really cool nights too. We are enjoying it until the 76F nights arrive next week. Ugh!

    1. These cool days and nights are a little unusual for June. They are keeping the insect population subdued for sure! No, not looking forward to later this week.

  3. I use hardware cloth “ tents” over seedings and husband built four big rectangular frames with chicken wire on top to ward off rabbit destruction. No deer to worry about. Your garden sounds farther along than mine! -Jenn

    1. We had a rabbit show up on 'Garden cam', close to the garden, but no nibbling that I could see, although most things are protected. Everything seems to be growing slower than usual. I guess that is to be expected, with the cool temps. If the heat that is forecast materializes, things will jump. Your big wired frames would give peace of mind! A physical deterrent is always the best.

  4. I was out at the crack of dawn (Sunday), pulling weeds and giving everything a good deep soaking from the rain barrels. They are pretty low after that exercise so I hope we do get some rain tonight to top them up.

    1. Good to be prepared! The warm weather crops will like the coming heat.

  5. You have such an interesting blog :)
    Really love your photos of the poppies and peonies with their gorgeous colours.

  6. Thank you for sharing your beautiful and interesting life with us. Aloha from Honolulu
