I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.
John Burroughs

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Has the world gone mad??????

It has been a while since I've driven on anything larger than a two-lane highway. In my previous life, driving to Toronto was not unheard of, but taken with resignation, knowing the traffic and congestion would take lots of patience. Having a large selection of back roads to take meant that things would not get too bad until one was south of the 401. 

Going to Ottawa from here, the most direct and feasible route is Highway 60 to 17, which turns into 417, a divided 4 lane highway at it's northern end, and a highway with several lanes through the city. Anyway, recently a trip to Ottawa was necessary. We left early, and arrived just as the traffic volume on the 417 was building. No issues. South of Renfrew, before the highway divides into four lanes, our headlights picked up a very large wolf along the side of the road, probably it was scavenging road kill.  

On the way home, leaving the city around 6PM, the traffic was stop and go on the 417 heading out of the city. The volume of traffic was no issue...but as the traffic sped up, a motorcyclist zipped by on the shoulder, crossed in front, slid between two lanes of traffic, zagged over and disappeared in the melee. Other driver's that apparently had a death wish, were weaving in and out of traffic, changing lanes constantly, always trying to get in a lane that was moving faster, slipping between cars with a very small margin of space. What a rolling disaster waiting to happen! Do the police vacate the roadways during rush hours? Not a one did we see. And speed limits...they do not exist for so many. I was exceeding the limit by a good 10 Km/hr just to keep up with the slower traffic as the volume of cars thinned down. Even at that, vehicles flew by like I was sitting up on blocks. 

So glad to get back on highway 60 at Renfrew, despite driving through a blinding deluge of wind and rain.... Home safe, and exhausted!

From watching the news, and the inevitable interviewed police officer leading up to a long weekend, warning about dangerous driving,  I know the roads can be crazy. Guess I've been living in the bush too long.....thankfully!



  1. People take such chances to try to gain a few seconds. It doesn't save that much time really. There was a head-on fatality on 7 this week.

    1. It seemed so much worse than I remember. People don't seem concerned for their own hide, or anyone else's!

  2. Drivers are just as crazy here. I take as many back roads as possible now, whenever I drive somewhere. I've also wondered what happens to the police in rush-hour traffic. Nobody seems to keep to the speed limit, it is all rush rush rush. Glad you got home safe (no doubt with a big "whew, thank goodness that is over"). Mxx

    1. All over, til next time! We have to go back but won't need to be there the whole day. Love exploring back roads. Perhaps we'll be able to take a more leisurely trip, and meander down the other side of the Ottawa River, in Quebec. There is some lovely scenery there.

    2. When we would visit my B.I.L. in Chelsea, I would cross over the bridge and do the Quebec side. Only once did we go through Ottawa, then had to drive through downtown, etc. Nightmare city!

    3. Thinking of crossing at Chenaux, and going from there.
