I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.
John Burroughs

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Bears, bears, bears.....

August 31, 2024

It wasn't what I'd planned to post about today, but on doing our weekly trail camera SD card pick-up and seeing the bear pictures, plus knowing they've been about, evidenced by the strange dark, seed filled protrusions here and there in the grass around the yard that just appear overnight....

First of all...in the yard..these guys...twins??

One of them heading right for the camera which is mounted on one of the small solar panel poles, but on a different night. Oh Oh!
He must have lost interest, as no damage.

This is got to be with mom...unless mom has grown an extra ear, the second little guy is on her far side.

Bigger bear, different camera.
One of the above, or a different, solo yearling? It is checking out the pile of apples we have raked up from around the two trees that are closest to the house.
(The time and date stamp on the cameras are mostly wrong, but perhaps the temperature reading is correct!) This is the ATV trailer this morning, two days worth. If we left them, we'd be knee deep in windfalls and wasps.

These two are frequenting the yard regularly, Scruffy and her buddy. Scruffy, because she doesn't seem to be able to shed her winter coat. All the other deer are sleek and fawn coloured. We've noticed her on the trail camera pictures since spring. Click on the pictures to get a better look.
They are under the crab apple tree, just about 30 feet from the window through which this picture was taken.
Garden harvesting continues... A bowl of broccoli...
Apples and sunflowers...
My first beautiful pumpkin, of which there are many more...
And I'll stop with this absolutely beautiful girl...I think it is a female, Common Green Darner. I noticed a glimmering, gold coloured shimmer in the grass when I was doing my morning garden walk-about Thursday. What on earth??? Her wings are golden gossamer. She stayed long enough for me to get the camera, and I took pictures, but she blended into the grass a lot. Next morning, Hubby spotted her resting on the lilac bushes and got a better picture....
I'd say there is nothing 'common' about her!


  1. We had a bunny in the backyard this evening. Go ahead and tell me you're not jealous. 😊

  2. So many bears! I hope they (and the deer) don't do too much damage to your garden.
    Love your pumpkin (what a gorgeous colour) and the dragonfly is sweet (I can imagine the wings glistening - you described it well). Mxx

    1. Thank you Margaret. Bears might head for corn, which I don't grow because of them and raccoons, other than that, not concerned about them, other than climbing and breaking limbs on the apple trees. We take the usual precautions about cooking outside, and closing downstairs windows at night. The deer are occupied with apples now, but later will show interest in anything green in the garden.
