I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.
John Burroughs

Friday, September 6, 2024

Bears, bears...more bears

 September 6, 2024

Last week I posted pictures of a sow bear and a pair of cubs. This week's camera chips have shown us this...

See the eye glint of the third one coming behind? (Click the pic for a better look.) So...do we have a sow with triplets, or two sows with two and three cubs respectively????
We do know we have this fellow,

walking between the end of the garden beds and the camera mounted on the back porch on Monday night. The ghostly apparition behind him is a caged tomato plant with a cover over it...because a frost warning was out for Monday night!! Thankfully it didn't freeze, although it definitely got a little nippy, but temps have now gone back to a more normal range for this time of year. Last night, on driving home after dark, I rounded a corner on our road to find a cow and calf moose in front of me. Boy, are those critters big when they are up close!

Bird Cam has yielded more pictures of the flying squirrel and this one of a Yellow Shafted Flicker.

Garden harvesting continues.
Peppers this year are amazing. I blanched, sliced and dried these few for winter pizzas, and am contemplating what to do with the rest. All my squash vines have come down with powdery mildew, so as soon as it dries up after today's drizzle, the plan is to harvest all the squash and dispose of those vines somewhere other than the compost. 

A recent "Hubby-build", is this Broadfork to use in the raised beds. It loosens and aerates the soil without disturbing the soil structure. Looking forward to using it, instead of digging the beds over.

We still have at least three Hummingbirds entertaining us while harassing each other in and out of the flower bed, but expect them to head south very soon. This Monarch was looking fresh and colourful, and will probably be going south soon as well.

It is that time of year.

Another random bear...

and some beautiful cream puff clouds from earlier in the week.


  1. It certainly sounds like you live out in the wilderness, or are such big creatures common? We don't have anything like that here.
    I must say it is nice to have a handy hubby who can build useful things - enjoy using the broadfork instead of all that digging :)

    1. No, just don't have any permanent neighbours within about 4Km. The acreages around us are privately owned and used for harvesting wood and hunting. There is some crown land and county forest around as well. The critters can roam freely over the mostly uninhabited land. The settlers in the past century planted lots of apple trees and in the fall, black bears (our species) are looking for food to fatten up before hibernation, so that is why we see more evidence of them now, than normal. Deer and moose live here as well, and it is not at all unusual to spot them.

  2. no wildlife walking by my cameras lately. One of them conked out so I bought a new one which has a longer range. Put it further down the trails. We had lots of monarchs and bumblebees around our patch this year, which is contrary to what many people are reporting. We still have bees visiting the hanging petunia.
