I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.
John Burroughs

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Spring chores....

The walkway is finished. I just have to put some good soil around the stones, and spread the creeping thyme seeds. It is too windy today to do that, although the sun is shining beautifully, and the temperature is up to 16C. (61F) 

I tapered the shape of the walkway, from broader at the base of the step, to narrower at the drive, and angled it to match the orientation of the lower step stone. It is a nice solid walking surface, with no places to trip and the stones are settled in good. I watered them and Mother Nature helped with a good downpour or two.

We took the ATV and trailer over to the sand pit, and shoveled  "sand" through a framed piece of quarter inch hardware cloth, to get a fine base to set the stones in.

I peeled the sod, dug the trench out and filled it with the sieved sand.

Whilst working on the walkway, I discovered that a pair of robins had built a nest in one of the little pyramidal cedars at the front of the verandah, and today, this is what is in it.

This afternoon, my garden helper towed the big water tank from its wintering spot and pumped it full from the pond in preparation! 

This morning, he did a little logging. A big hemlock uprooted down by the spring in one of the wind storms we had, and he just couldn't bear to have the log go to waste. 

The dandelions are  yellow swathes across the grass, and I found a big Bumbler in one! Things are looking up!


  1. How in the world did you manage to get that walkway done so fast, that's a lot of hard work. It looks fantastic! The little robin's eggs are so pretty. We just don't see things like that here in Florida. Everything you two do looks like such hard work to me, but I bet it keeps you healthy and young! :)

    1. Thanks Martha. It took a couple of days. Will be watching the nest!

  2. You did a great job with your walkway and it looks fantastic! I hope the thyme works well. I tried it one year but mine didn't take. You'e inspired me to try again. Maybe re-do my whole front door walkway!

    1. Thank you Leigh. We don't use the front door much, but now that it is bug season, we will be moving the neighbourly 'picnic table visits' to the verandah, so no wet footwear walking through the grass.

  3. Your walkway looks fantastic! And I know the amount of physical labor that went into it, but the satisfaction and enjoyment you must have gotten out of the project will last for years and years. We recently got a bit of a disgruntled chewing out by an acquaintance regarding the "hard work" she sees us continuing to do and don't we realize we're getting older and should start to take it easy? I tried to explain that our lifestyle is one of choice, we manage all aspects of our lives to the best of our ability and knowledge to insure we remain hardy and healthy. I bit my tongue and did not say that I would rather wear out than rust out. As I see so many people doing. Amen.

    1. Yay Mama Pea! I hear you! And I agree wholeheartedly! There are just things we want to do, and there is no time like the present! Hubby keeps making noises about a root cellar....We will see. It is wonderful to have the space to do what we want (within reason!).

  4. My creeping thyme has finally greened up. Did you find any of those awful grubs? When I was scritching up the planter box I found grubs and mature June bugs. There are big patches of grass at the back dead and the birds are tearing things up. The thyme will fix it all up next year but it doesn't look too nice this year.

    1. Just a few. I throw them out for the birds. I don't usually find any when I turn over my garden beds, only when I dig up new sod.
